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Showing posts with label World. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

लैंडमास के आधार पर दुनिया के 10 सबसे छोटे देशों पर एक नज़र डालें

कनाडा में मुख्यालय वाले एक ऑनलाइन प्रकाशक विज़ुअल कैपिटलिस्ट ने दुनिया के 100 सबसे छोटे देशों की एक लंबी सूची तैयार की है। आर्थिक से लेकर धार्मिक प्रभाव तक, कई छोटे-छोटे देश आश्चर्यजनक रूप से शक्तिशाली हैं।

World Smallest countries with best landmarks

रूस, कनाडा, चीन, यू.एस. अपने क्षेत्र के आधार पर दुनिया के सबसे बड़े देशों में से हैं। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि इनमें से सबसे छोटा कौन है? राष्ट्रीय सीमाएं मानव निर्माण मात्र हो सकती हैं, लेकिन वे शक्तिशाली हैं। कनाडा में मुख्यालय वाले एक ऑनलाइन प्रकाशक विज़ुअल कैपिटलिस्ट ने दुनिया के 100 सबसे छोटे देशों की लंबी सूची तैयार की है। आर्थिक से लेकर धार्मिक प्रभाव तक, कई छोटे-छोटे देश आश्चर्यजनक रूप से शक्तिशाली हैं। उन 100 में से, नीदरलैंड और किंगडम ऑफ डेनमार्क के कुछ देशों को छोड़कर, आइए दुनिया के शीर्ष 10 सबसे छोटे देशों और उनके प्रभाव क्षेत्र पर एक नज़र डालें।

1.    रैंक 10 | ग्रेनाडा | आकार: 344 वर्ग किलोमीटर | ग्रेनाडा का छोटा कैरेबियन द्वीप पश्चिमी गोलार्ध के सबसे छोटे स्वतंत्र देशों में से एक है।

2.     रैंक 9 | मालदीव | आकार: 300 वर्ग किलोमीटर | सबसे छोटा यूरोपीय संघ का सदस्य राज्य।

3.     रैंक 8 | सेंट किट्स और नेविस | आकार: 261 वर्ग किलोमीटर | अमेरिका और पश्चिमी गोलार्ध में सबसे छोटा देश।

4.     रैंक 7 | मार्शल द्वीप | आकार: 181 वर्ग किलोमीटर | द्वीप देश माइक्रोनेशिया के बड़े द्वीप समूह का हिस्सा है।

5.     रैंक 6 | लिकटेंस्टीन | आकार: 160 वर्ग किलोमीटर | दो देशों की सीमा में सबसे छोटा देश, पश्चिम और दक्षिण में स्विट्जरलैंड और पूर्व और उत्तर में ऑस्ट्रिया।

6.     रैंक 5 | सैन मैरिनो | 61 वर्ग किलोमीटर | यह देश दक्षिणी यूरोप का सबसे छोटा इलाका है और दुनिया का सबसे पुराना संवैधानिक गणराज्य होने का दावा करता है।

7.     रैंक 4 | तुवालु | आकार: 26 वर्ग किलोमीटर | सबसे छोटा कॉमनवेल्थ राज्य।

8.     रैंक 3 | नौरू | आकार: 21 वर्ग किलोमीटर | सबसे छोटा द्वीप देश, सबसे छोटा गणराज्य और सबसे छोटा देश जो शहर-राज्य नहीं है।

9.  रैंक 2 | मोनाको | आकार: 2.02 वर्ग किलोमीटर | एक तटरेखा वाला सबसे छोटा देश।

    रैंक 1 | वेटिकन सिटी | आकार: 0.49 वर्ग किलोमीटर | भूमाफिया के आधार पर, वेटिकन सिटी दुनिया का सबसे छोटा देश है। देश रोमन कैथोलिक चर्च के मुख्यालय के रूप में कार्य करता है।

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Forbes released the list of richest people in world, there are 7 Indians among richest Americans, Jeff Bezos ranked first for third consecutive year

Here is the list of top richest people in the world. Forbes released the list with 7 Indians are there. 


Seven Indian-Americans figure in Forbes' richest Americans list. Among them, Jay Chaudhary, CEO of cybersecurity firm ZScaler, is ranked 61st with a net worth of $ 6.9 billion. While Romesh Wadhwani, founder and chairman of Symphony Technology Group is ranked 238th with 3.4 billion assets, Neeraj Shah, co-founder and CEO of online retailer Wayfare, 299th with a net worth of 2.8 billion, Vinod Khosla, founder of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Khosla Ventures 2.4. Kavitarka Ram Shriram, managing partner of Sherpalo Ventures, 359th with a wealth of 2.3 billion, aviation giant Rakesh Gangwal with a wealth of 2.3 billion, as well as 359th with billion assets and Anil Bhusri, CEO and co-founder of Workday, 2.3 It is ranked 359th with a wealth of Arabia.

For the third year in the list of 400 people, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is in the first place with assets of 179 billion. While Bill Gates is ranked second with a wealth of 111 billion.

Friday, 10 July 2020

World Population Day 2020: When and why we celebrate this?

World Population Day 2020: World Population Day will be celebrated by people all over the world on Saturday 11 July 2020.

World Population Day 2020

Along with solving the big mistake of the entire human fraternity, an international level awareness campaign is celebrated every year as World Population Day to know the cause of this population explosion and call people on a platform. This great awareness campaign was brought to bring about a population revolution globally as well as to break the sleep of all the deeply asleep people to help in facing this problem and bring full attention to it.

Read More: Bubonic Plague China: What isBbonic plague? How dangerous is this disease? Know everything.

World Population Day Special

World Population Day is an international level awareness campaign, which is celebrated all over the world to make people aware of the rising population in the form of awareness, and to know the reason for this explosion from year to year together

A solution could be found to solve the big mistake of the entire human fraternity. This great awareness campaign will bring about a population revolution on a global scale, as well as to break the sleep of all the people who have fallen asleep and pay their full attention and deal with this population issue.

This time there is no official theme for this year's celebration; this mission tells the government, organizations and the public at large that it is necessary to realize how important the population plays in the development of the nation, (low population, Enough Resources) Less population means adequate resources for all and a significant contribution to the better socio-economic status of a nation.

World Population Day is celebrated all over the world;

However, its activities vary from place to place. However, its main events are held in the office of the UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities). This year too, many interesting programs like essay competition, sports competitions, poster and banner designing etc. were organized to increase the awareness of the people about population growth and its declining effects.

Many different rallies are organized by civil societies and government organizations in Indian cities, especially to raise awareness about population growth. Many groups also planned a pledge campaign on the occasion where they got the people to support not having more than just one child or two. The World Population Day 2020 schedule can be seen on Twitter at #worldpopulationday.

History of world population day

A great event is celebrated annually on 11 July as World Population Day all over the world. It is celebrated to increase the awareness of the people towards the population issue all over the world. The United Nations Development Program was first started in 1989 by the Governing Council. Due to the interests of the people, it was further enhanced when the global population reached around 5 billion (billion) on 11 July 1987.

The message "Universal access to reproductive health facilities" was given across the world by the theme of the 2012 World Population Day celebration when the population of the entire world was around 7,025,071,966. Along with the sustainable future of the people, big steps were taken by the government for a smaller and healthier society. An important investment has been made to meet the demand and supply of reproductive health care. Along with reducing social poverty, steps were taken to increase public health by reducing population.

This was a big challenge for development, when in 2011 the population of the entire earth reached almost 7 billion. According to the decision of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program in the year 1989, it was recommended that every year, July 11 should be communicated by the community globally and celebrate World Population Day to increase awareness among the common people. Should and real solution should be found to face the population issue. It was started to focus the attention of the people towards the importance of population issue.

Why is World Population Day celebrated?

It is the goal of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program to bring significant attention to the public health problems of the community because it is the main cause of poor health as well as the cause of death of pregnant women all over the world. It has become common that around 800 women die every day in the process of giving birth to a child. The World Population Day campaign towards public health and family planning enhances the knowledge and skills of people all over the world.

About 18 billion young people are entering their reproductive year and it is very important that their attention should be paid towards the main part of public health. It is worth noting that on 1 January 2014, the world population reached 7,137,661,1,030. To make people aware about the truth, a lot of activities and programs are planned to celebrate World Population Day annually.

To encourage people to participate in the program through this special awareness awareness, about the importance of family planning such as population issues, gender equality, mother and child health, poverty, human rights, right to health, sexuality Education, use of contraceptive drugs and protective measures such as condoms, reproductive health, young pregnancy, girl education, child marriage, sexually transmitted infections, etc. are considered on serious topics.

It is very important to address the issue of sexuality among teenagers between 15 and 19 years of age, as a statistic suggests that about 15 million women of this age gave birth to children, with 4 million having abortions.

Here below is the goal of celebrating some World Population Day:

  • It is celebrated for the safety and empowerment of both boys and girls.
  • Stop marriage and give full information about sexuality until you are able to fully understand your responsibility.
  • Youth should be educated to avoid unwanted pregnancy through rational and youth adaptation measures.
  • Educating people is to remove gender stereotypes from society.
  • Educate people about the danger of becoming a premature mother.
  • To avoid various infections, they should be told about diseases spread by sexual relations.
  • There is a demand for some effective laws and policies to protect the rights of girls.
  • Boys and girls should have access to the same primary education.
  • There should be easy access to public healthcare everywhere as part of primary health based for every couple.

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Disclaimer: The information given in this article is just information only. does not confirm the real authenticity of this article. Contact the concerned expert or cross-check the information before accepting it.

Monday, 6 July 2020

Bubonic Plague China: What is Bbonic plague? how dangerous is this disease? Know everything

Dangerous Bubonic Plague has been entered into China again.

The world is already battling with the corona virus epidemic. In such a situation, the knock of another dangerous and fatal disease in China has caused bad signal around the world. The disease is named Bubonic plague. An alert has been issued in a hospital in northern China after a case related to the disease was revealed. The local health department has issued a third level warning for its prevention in Bayan Nur China. This warning is issued by the end of this year. Also, people have been asked to be vigilant. Let's know what the hell is this bubonic plague, how it spreads and most importantly how dangerous is this disease?

What is bubonic plague and started in China again.

The bubonic plague is also called the 'Black Death’. This is not a new disease, but because of this, crores of people have been killed earlier. So far, this disease has broken into a total havoc on the world three times. For the first time, about five crore people have died due to this, for the second time one third of Europe's population and third time around 80 thousand people have died.

How is this disease?

The disease is caused by bacteria found in wild mice. Actually, bubonic plague first occurs in wild mice. Then after they die, plague bacteria enter the human body through fleas. When the flea bites, the infected bacteria get into the human bloodstream, causing humans to become infected with the plague. This happens two-three weeks after the mice die.

What are the symptoms of bubonic plague?

In this disease, a person has high fever and unbearable pain in the body. At the same time, the pulse also starts running fast. Apart from this, in two-three days, the glands start coming out in the body, which get ripened in 14 days. The same nose and fingers also turn black and slowly they begin to rot. This disease is also called giltwalla plague due to the release of glands.

The bacterium that spreads bubonic plague is Yersinia pestis bacterium. It attacks the body's lymph nodes (lymph nodes), blood and lungs. Although it is a centuries-old disease, but even today cases continue to come up in many countries of the world. In India too, in 1994 there were about 700 cases of bubonic plague, out of which 52 people died.

It is said that the bubonic plague was known as the 'Plague of Justinian' in the sixth and eighth centuries. At that time around 2.5 to five crore people died of this disease. This was followed by an attack of the bubonic plague in 1347 AD, which killed one-third of Europe's population. At that time this plague was named 'Black Death'. Researchers continue to develop vaccines to avoid this, but no vaccine is available yet.

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Disclaimer: The information given in this article is just information only. does not confirm the real authenticity of this article. Contact the concerned expert or cross-check the information before accepting it.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

World Day Against Child Labor 2020: Know when the day started, what is the importance of celebrating it

  • Every year 12 June is celebrated as World Child Labor Day.
  • Many programs are organized on this day all over the world.
  • The main purpose of celebrating this day is to ban child labour and to spread awareness about it.
  • This day was started in the year 2002.
World Day Against Child Labor 2020

Every year, on June 12, to highlight the plight of child labourers, governments, employers and labour organizations, civil society as well as millions of people around the world run many activities by running the campaigns and help these children to get out of them from this horrible life. History of World Day Against Child LaborMany children between the ages of 5 and 17 are engaged in work that deprives them of a normal childhood, such as adequate education, proper health care, leisure time or simply basic freedom.

In the 2002, the United Nations organization that controls the world of work, the International Labor Organization (ILO), launched the World Day Against Child Labour for this reason. Many of the development goals adopted by world leaders in 2015 included renewed global commitment to abolish child labour. This includes, in particular, the global community determined to meet the 8.7 Goal of Sustainable Development Goals, such as' taking immediate and effective measures to eliminate forced labour, end human trafficking and secure the eradication of the worst forms of child labour.

World Day Against Child Labor 2020

'Importance of World Day Against Child Labor Day, The ILO report 'Child Labor Estimates Results and Trends, 2012-2016' states that 152 million children between the ages of five and 17 are being forced to labour under special circumstances. In the same report, 73 million children out of 152 million do dangerous work. They get fewer wages. The basic problem of working with children in poverty and illiteracy. As long as there is starvation in the country, we will not be able to get rid of this problem.

This day also focuses on the ratification of the protocol of 2014 to the Forced labour Convention to protect the rights of adults as well as children.

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2018 is "Generation Safe and Healthy".

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2017 is "In conflicts and disasters, protect children from child labour”.

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2016 is “End child labour in supply chains – It’s everyone’s business!”

The theme for World Day against Child Labour 2015 is "NO to child labour – YES to quality education!”.

World Day Against Child Labour this year, the focus is, "COVID-19 - Protect children from child labour now, more than ever".

Saturday, 6 June 2020

World Food Safety Day 2020, know why World Food Safety Day is celebrated

The first World Food Safety Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2018, is being celebrated on 7 June 2019 under the theme "Food Safety, Business of All." Safe and nutritious food in sufficient quantities on World Food Safety Day is essential for sustaining life and promoting good health. Foodborne illnesses disrupt socioeconomic development by harming health, national economies, tourism, and trade. World Food Safety Day 2020

World Food Safety Day 2020

With an estimated 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses - nearly 1 out of 10 people in the world fall ill due to contaminated food, every country around the world, from small to large, from rich to poor, with foodborne illnesses. The supply department has been successful in solving food grains problems to a great extent.
Food Safety is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and is a shared responsibility among governments, producers, and consumers. Everyone has a role, from the farm to the dining table, to keep the food we consume. Through World Food Safety Day, WHO follows its efforts to mainstream food Safety into the public agenda and reduce the burden of foodborne diseases globally?

Even after so much effort, the figures are not good in terms of starvation and malnutrition. According to statistics, around 24,000 people die of hunger every day worldwide, and one-third of this number from India. According to the data obtained, the loss of wheat rots due to lack of safe storage every year is about Rs 450 crore.

Key points
The theme of the World Food Safety Day of 2019 was 'Food Safety, Everyone's Business.'

The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness in maintaining safe food standards and reduce deaths due to food-borne diseases.

The United Nations has designated two of its agencies - the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization, to promote food security around the world.

The United Nations has developed guidelines to discuss 'Why food security is necessary and how it can be achieved?' Its five main points are as follows -

1.     Governments should ensure safe and nutritious food for all.
2.     There is a need to adopt good practices in agriculture and food production.
3.     Business people should ensure that food is safe.
4.     All consumers have the right to safe, healthy, and nutritious food.
5.     Food security is a shared responsibility.

'Safe, nutritious, and adequate food' can make good health as well as eliminate hunger problems.

Government initiatives
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India-FSSAI have developed the first State Food Safety Index-SFSI in the context of efforts by states to provide safe food.
Through this index, the performance of states on various criteria of food security will be assessed. These categories include the following standards -

1.     Human Resources and Institutional Management
2.     Implementation, Food Testing, Infrastructure, and Monitoring
3.     Training and capacity building
4.     Consumer empowerment

They have also launched an innovative and battery-powered device called 'Raman 1.0'. The tool can detect adulterations of edible oils, fats, and ghee in less than a minute.
An innovative solution called 'Food Safety Magic Box' has also been introduced to take the issue of food safety to schools.

The kit itself has a manual and a device to check food adulteration.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has declared seven campuses like Universities, Schools, Colleges, Institutes, Workplaces, Defense / Para Military Establishments, Hospitals, and Jails as 'Eat Right Campus.'
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India-FSSAI have instituted the 'Eat Right Award' to recognize those food companies and individuals who contribute toward citizens' help to make safe and healthier food choices. To be empowered.

Inevitably follow these tips before eating outside
While eating crispy Samosa or fried Pakoras from a roadside vendor, it may be a good idea, but it may not always be a safe choice. Here are some tips, so that you can take care of your food. Read.

Go where the local people are: Go where the local people are. If the restaurant has a long line and local people are eating on it too, they are right and serve fresh food.

Notice the movement seller: see if he is cooking cleanly? Is he using a dirty knife? Notice if he uses gloves and tongs? Also, do they keep their food covered? If you see any of these or have bad habits such as scratching, you avoid that place.

No dirt around: Find a clean place, if the food giver is in the vicinity of the garbage dump, or an open drain, avoid them. These places are going to give rise to diseases.

Don't forget to wash hands: Always, it is essential to wash hands before eating. It prevents the dangers of diarrhea, vomiting, food poisoning, or even hepatitis A.

Drink bottled water: When you eat outside, try drinking bottled water only. Local people are beautiful, but your digestive system can get impaired by drinking water from any tap. So buy a sealed water bottle.

By applying these habits, you can be safe from every disease. Even in the time of this Covid-19 (Corona), follow these rules with the mask on your mouth. 

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