In the world of numerology, these numbers are considered inauspicious, make loss of money and signs of serious illness - Vinay Thakur - Bollywood, Latest Gadgets, Business News, Health and Fitness, Jokes, Cricket.

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Monday, 13 July 2020

In the world of numerology, these numbers are considered inauspicious, make loss of money and signs of serious illness

These are the best Numerology Numbers for Auspicious life and money making.

Neumerological numbers for life changing

According to astrology, we can get a lot of information about any person's future, present and past is obtained based on the calculations of planetary constellations. Different methods of astrology make different predictions. One of these is numerology. In which there are both auspicious and inauspicious predictions based on the calculation of marks. On one side, while some marks are considered very auspicious, on the other hand some inauspicious. At the same time, in different beliefs and in society, the same number is considered auspicious and inauspicious. Today we will give you information about some such marks which are seen as very inauspicious to use.

4 digits

In some parts of the world, number 4 is considered extremely inauspicious. The 4 digit is considered very inauspicious in countries of East Asia, especially China. According to Chinese beliefs, 4 points is the devil's mark. In China, this 4 digit is called the death number. People here are very afraid of this number. For this reason, the number of buildings and houses here is not seen 4, 13, 14 and 24.

13 digits

13 points are considered both inauspicious and auspicious in different beliefs, religion and religious customs. In many places the number 13 has been considered an inauspicious number. In such a situation, things related to 13 numbers are less, such as the 13 number plot, sector, room number, building, house number, shop number etc. In Christianity, the number 13 is considered the devil's number. It is believed that the date on which Jesus hanged on the cross was the 13th. 13 people had them crucified. A total of 13 people, including Jesus, attended the banquet before being crucified.

Number 13 in numerology

According to numerology, the number 13 is the number of deaths and diseases. 13 points is the number of Rahu planet. Rahu who is a sinner and demon planet. The total of the digits in the number 13 is 4, so even 13 digits is considered inauspicious. According to astrology in the western countries, the year on which 12 full moon or Amavasya comes in place of 12 is considered very inauspicious.

Importance of 13 digits in different countries and religions

  • In different groups and religions, 13 points have been called inauspicious and inauspicious.
  • In Hinduism, the thirteenth program is held on the 13th day after the death of someone.
  • The word Waheguru in Guru Granth Sahab is 13 times in Sikhism.
  • Renowned palmistry expert Kiro considered 13 points as auspicious.

24 and 43 digits

Japanese people are always scared by the number 24 and 43. They believe that 24 points is a sign of danger. Japanese people stay away from this number. For this reason Japan does not have rooms numbering 24 and 43. According to Japanese beliefs, this number sounds like the death of an unborn baby.

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